Skip to: Lebanon maintains its record of 6 women elected to parliament

The history of the women's movement in Lebanon website

  • 6 May 2018 – The 2018 elections saw a record number saw a record 113 women submit their candidacy, of which 86 were selected on electoral lists.. 77 lists presented themselves, among those was the “Women of Akkar” list consisting exclusively of 5 women, leaving one seat empty. 6 women won seats:  lawyer Roula Tabsh […]

  • 17 October 2017 – The personal status law issued 1948, which governs the private aspects of the Druze confession in Lebanon issued, was amended. These amendments covered several areas, including the age of maternal custody and the minimum age for marriage, among others. Article 15, for example, raised the age of maternal custody from seven years […]

  • 16 August 2017 – Article 522 of the Lebanese Penal Code was abrogated. The French-era article allowed rapists to marry their victims to evade prosecution. Similar legislation had been abolished in both Tunisia and Jordan two weeks earlier. France itself repealed its version of the law in 1994. In Lebanon, however, the repeal was not […]

  • 21_Women and the right to state benefits_JR It was only in 1987 that women gained equal accessibility to social benefits previously exclusive to men. The amendments made to the legislation governing the National Social Security Fund granted women the right to collect end-of-service indemnities from the NSSF at the same age as men, 60 years […]

  • 19 September 2017 – The Parliament passed a bill allowing married women to run for municipal office in their hometowns instead of having to run in their husbands’ hometowns. Yet, these amendments remained silent on the Ministry of Women’s Affairs’ proposal to have a 30% quota for women in elections.

  • 17 August 2017 – Even though civil marriages performed outside of Lebanon are legally accepted in the country, officiating civil marriages on Lebanese soil is not possible, due to the absence of civil personal status codes regulating such marriages. Contributing to the ongoing debate about the possibility of officiating civil marriages in Lebanon, the Ministry of […]

  • 50 – Creation of a Ministry of Women’s Affairs – Al Jamhouriya The National Commission for Lebanese Women was established in 1996, under the auspices of the government, to carry out the Beijing Platform for Action, which includes 12 objectives covering areas from the advancement of women’s participation in public life to ending violence against […]

  •   15 May 2014 – Article 3 of Law no. 293 stipulated the amendments of Articles 487, 488, and 489, which discriminated against women with regards to adultery. The penalty for women who commit adultery was graver and more severe than that of men. The new amendments equalised the treatment of the spouses when it comes […]

  • 15 May 2014 – Thanks to the lobbying and persistent efforts of women’s organisations and activists, a law criminalising domestic violence, and promoting the protection of women and family members from it, was issued. Prior to the issuance of this law, domestic violence was not penalised. According to reports from the Internal Security in Lebanon, 3,811 […]

  • 44 – National Strategy for Women in Lebanon 2011-2021 _ NCLW.pdf The Lebanese government adopted the National Strategy for Women in Lebanon (2011-2021) , which includes social, economic, political, legal, educational, cultural, and environmental reforms that will help to achieve better gender equality and protect women and girls from all forms of discrimination and violence. […]
